Who are we?
Meet the team
The EAWOP Impact Incubator started in November 2020 with the appointment of its inaugural Director, Prof Rosalind Searle. Organised to deliver a rapid response to topics and issues arising as a result of SARS-Covid19, EAWOPii taps into the expertise of state-of-the-art researchers with expertise in these important areas, led by those who are part of, or have organised, relevant EAWOP small group meetings (SGM).
Scroll down to read more about each of our growing number of participants:

Prof Rosalind Searle
EAWOPii Director
University of Glasgow
Adam Smith Business School
EAWOPii key strand lead
Rosalind is a Professor of Human Resource Management and Organisational Psychology at the Adam Smith Business School at the University of Glasgow.
She became inaugural director of the EAWOP Impact Incubator (EAWOPii) in November 2020.
She is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist, and a Fellow of the British Psychological Society (BPS), and an academic fellow of the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development.
Her research examines organisational trust and HRM, trust and controls, change and counterproductive work behaviours. It appears in leading international journals (e.g. Human Resource Management, Journal of Organisational Behavior, and Long Range Planning).
She has extensive experience of working with professional bodies, trade unions, government departments, employing organisations and regulators, to increase awareness and apply the science of work and organisational psychology to complex real situations.

Prof Roberta Fida
Aston Business School
EAWOPii key strand lead
Roberta joined Aston Business School in 2023 as Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Organisational Psychology. Prior to that she was Professor of Work Psychology at University of East Anglia where she also served as Chair of the Ethics Committee. Roberta is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist of the British Psychological Society. Before joining UEA she was Assistant Professor at Sapienza University of Rome, in Italy.
She has for many years conducted research understanding the role of stress in relation to (un)ethical conduct in the workplace. Her main research interests are related to:
counterproductive and aggressive behaviours at work
moral disengagement and self efficacy
stress and well-being at work
cheating behaviours
error culture
patient's safety.
Roberta has published in many international journals and her work has been featured in several international media outlets from Times Online to Nursing Standard. She has worked with several Italian institutions, for instance Guardia di Finanza, Carabinieri and Polizia di Stato, The Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers and Tor Vergata University Hospital.
Since 2016 Roberta has been part of international large projects funded by the Italian National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work (INAIL) for understanding the challenges of stress at work and how to create a more sustainable and inclusive work environment.

Dr Giulia Parola
University of the Bundeswehr
Munich Business School
EAWOPii strand lead:
Youth work​
Giulia was born in Italy but wandered off early on to gather various academic and work experiences in Germany, Spain, Morocco, as well as India. In 2014, she settled in Germany where she earned a Master's Degree in Life Science Economics and Policy from the Technical University of Munich and a Ph.D. in Management from the University of the Bundeswehr Munich.
Her two main research foci are the study of academic-practitioner collaborations and career management. Her research has made significant contributions to the career development literature, redefining career helpers as change agents who leverage emotions to support Young People Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEETs) in navigating increasingly complex career environments. Giulia published her research in international journals, such as Journal of Career Assessment and Academy of Management Learning & Education.
She is currently pursuing a Postdoctoral research project on workplace wellbeing at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. Additionally, she works as a Project Lead at Munich Business School, where she also holds a lecturing position.
Giulia is part of the youth employment strand of the EAWOP Impact Incubator.

Dr Michael Knoll
Universität Leipzig, Wilhelm Wundt Institute for Psychology
EAWOPii interest:
Michael is researcher and lecturer at Wilhelm Wundt Institute for Psychology at University of Leipzig. Previously, he held positions at universities in Chemnitz, Halle-Wittenberg and Durham University Business School. His research focuses on voice and silence in organizations, contemporary developments and challenges in the organization of work, authenticity, and organizational and leadership development.
Michael tries to improve people’s workplace experience through good teaching of future generation leaders (i.e., students), leadership development programs in organizations, organizational development projects, and media outreach. He led an international project (33 countries) on silence in organizations and is currently developing applied research on silence and voice in specific contexts (e.g., professions, industries).
Michael was among the organizing teams of the EAWOP Small Group Meetings on “Antecedents and Scope of Negative Followership” (2014 at Durham University) and on “Voice and Wellbeing in the Caring Professions – Linking Research and Application” (2021/22, online). He contributed talks to EAWOPii webinars “Bad apples, stressed apples or learning apples? Translating work psychological science on how employee-based threats arise.” and “Silence is golden?” at the ESRC Festival of Social Science 2021. He also helped to develop the animation “Silence is golden?” that is available on our YouTube channel.

Dr Christian Seubert
University of Innsbruck
EAWOPii interest:
Christian is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychology at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. His current research focuses on precarious vs. decent work as well as health-promoting job design. He is co-founder of the “Humane Arbeit GmbH” (www.humanearbeit.com), an organisation dedicated to harnessing evidence on human-oriented employment and working conditions to improve management practices in organisations.
He is a Certified Work and Organizational Psychologist and member of the Global Organisation for Humanitarian Work Psychology (GOHWP), the Global Living Organisational Wage Project (Project GLOW), the Austrian Chapter of the Humanistic Management Network (HMN), the Future of Work and Organizational Psychology movement (FoWOP), and the Innsbruck Group on Critical Research in Work and Organizational Psychology (I-CROP).
His work has been published in international journals, such as European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Journal of Business and Psychology, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Journal of Applied Psychology: An international review, and Journal of Industrial Relations.

Dr Johannes M. Kraak
Kedge Business School
Johannes is Associate Professor in Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior and is the director of the Centre of Excellence for Sustainability at Kedge Business School.
He holds a PhD in Human Resources Management from the University of Toulouse 1 (Toulouse School of Management).
He has held positions as a visiting professor at Calgary University (Canada), North-West University (South-Africa), Macquarie University (Australia), and Radboud University (The Netherlands).
Johannes is Associate Editor at Group & Organization Management. His research focuses primarily on the exchanges between employers and employees in the wider context of the employment relationship but he also conducts crossover studies in International Human Resource Management, International Management, Service Marketing and CSR/sustainability issues.
His previous projects have included expatriates, military personnel, older workers and service employees.

Prof Dora Scholarios
University of Strathclyde
Business School
Dora is Professor of Work Psychology at University of Strathclyde Business School in Glasgow, Scotland.
She has a PhD in Industrial/ Organizational Psychology from The George Washington University, Washington, DC.
Her research and teaching interests include HRM practice, employee health and wellbeing, recruitment and selection, and youth transitions into employment.
She is a past Co Editor-in-Chief of the Human Resource Management Journal. Dora was one of the organising team of the EAWOP Small Group Meeting on Young People's Work, Employment and Careers.

Dr Deirdre Anderson
Cranfield University
Deirdre is Associate Professor in Organizational Psychology at Cranfield University and Director of the Gender, Leadership and Inclusion Research Centre. She is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist and an Academic Fellow of the CIPD.
Her current research explores individual experiences of enforced remote working during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Other research interests are inclusion and diversity, work-life balance and gendered working practices, flexible and precarious working, and work and family in different cultures.
Deirdre frequently presents her research at academic and practitioner conferences within the UK and internationally, and she has twice been an invited speaker at the United Nations in New York.
She publishes in journals of recognized international excellence including British Journal of Management, and Human Relations. She has written several book chapters on flexible working and work-life balance, women's career choices and women-only leadership development.
Prior to academia, Deirdre worked for 20 years as a Business Psychology Consultant in the private sector.

Prof Jo Silvester
Loughborough University
School of Business and Economics
EAWOPii key strand lead
Jo is a Professor of Work Psychology at the School of Business and Economics at Loughborough University. Her research examines leadership emergence and effectiveness in complex work environments, with a particular focus on politicians and political work.
Jo’s research has resulted in two Impact Case Studies for the UK Research Excellence Framework (2014, 2021), which detail her work with political parties and local and national legislatures applying work psychology research and practice to political work. This includes designing leadership development for politicians, fair procedures for assessing prospective parliamentary candidates, and culture change workshops for the House of Commons.
Her work has been published in leading international publications including The Leadership Quarterly, APIR and Harvard Business Review. Jo is a member of the BSS International Advisory Board, Aarhus University.

Dr Katja Wehrle
EAWOPii strand lead:
Katja is an Assistant Professor at the department of Work and Organizational Psychology at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen. Her research focuses on the intersection of the fields of migration, careers, and identity and covers topics on identity-related adaptation processes and career-related self-management in challenging and/or involuntary career transitions. She places a special focus on refugees' vocational behavior and careers and studies the healing and growth-fostering potential of work among disadvantaged labor market groups.
Katja is a research member at the Deakin University's Centre for Refugee Employment, Advocacy, Training and Education (CREATE) in Australia and an active member of the Global Committee of the Academy of Management Organizational Behavior Division. Her work has appeared in the Journal of Vocational Behavior and she is a contributing author to the Academy of Management Careers Division's Best Symposium Award 2017 for the symposium "Refugees in Europe: Careers and Labor Market Integration". She serves as a guest editor for the Journal of International Management's Special Issue "Effective strategies for humanitarian migrants' employment, inclusion and integration" and as an editorial board member of the Journal of Vocational Behavior and Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. Katja has several years of experiences working in the care of unaccompanied refugee minors and in the areas of the education and employment of migrants.
Katja is leading the refugee and migrant strand of the EAWOP Impact Incubator.

Dr Sonia Nawrocka
European Trade Union Institute
EAWOPii strand lead:
Sonia is a dedicated researcher in the Health and Safety unit at the European Trade Union Institute. She is passionate about understanding the complex dynamic of the workplace and its impact on employees.
She completed her first Master's in Psychology at Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland); she wrote her master's thesis on the link between personal and environmental resources and career self-efficacy among graduate students. Subsequently, she moved to Belgium and obtained a Master's in Applied Statistics at KU Leuven. In 2024 she gained a double degree doctorate at KU Leuven (Belgium) and Verona University (Italy). Her thesis focused on identifying the longitudinal association between the two primary dimensions of job insecurity, quantitative and qualitative job insecurity, and how they contribute to its development.
Sonia's expertise and research interests are centred around identifying and analyzing psychosocial risk factors (PSR) and mental health crises in the workplace.
She is part of the youth employment strand of the EAWOP Impact Incubator.

Dr Sarah Brooks
Sheffield University Management School
EAWOPii interest:
Sarah is a Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour at Sheffield University Management School.
Sarah’s research area, voice and silence, helps to explain why employees often find it difficult to speak up about problems, leaving them feeling frustrated, lacking control in certain situations and feeling angry and disempowered in their roles.
Prior to joining academia in 2012, Sarah was a management consultant and an operations manager and has 17 years industry experience.
Sarah is also an EMCC and ICF accredited coach where she partners with individuals to help them find their voice.

Prof Stuart C Carr
Massey University
New Zealand
EAWOPii interest:
Stuart is Professor of Psychology, Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychology Program, Massey University, New Zealand.
Stuart co-facilitates the End Poverty and Inequality Cluster (EPIC), which includes a focus on transitions from precarious labor to decent work and living wages.
Intersecting with EPIC is Project G.L.O.W. (for Global Living Organizational Wage), a multi-country, multi-generational, interdisciplinary study of the links between decent wages (in purchasing power parity), and sustainable livelihoods for the eradication of poverty – the primary UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG1).
Stuart is one of the leads for EAWOP’s Living Wage Small Group Meeting (2019).
Stuart’s professional focus is Humanitarian Work Psychology, which has included a Global Task Force for Humanitarian Work Psychology, promoting Decent Work aligned with local stakeholder needs, in partnership with global development agencies.
He was a lead investigator on Project ADDUP, a multi-country DFID/ESRC-funded study of pay and remuneration diversity between national and international labor in developing economies.
Stuart is a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand (RSNZ), the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), and the New Zealand Psychological Society (NZPS).
He is the coordinating Principal Investigator for a RSNZ Marsden Grant awarded to the New Zealand hubs in GLOW (2018).
He is a previous Editor of the Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, and presently Edits International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation, which supports the SDGs.

Dr Belgin Okay-Somerville
University of Glasgow
Adam Smith Business School
Belgin is a Lecturer in Human Resource Management at the Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow in Scotland.
Belgin's research focuses on young people's labour market entry (i.e., school-to-work transitions, employability and job search) and experience of work (e.g. underemployment, skill utilisation, work-related wellbeing and career development).
She was one of the organisers of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and EAWOP Small Group Meeting on Young People’s Work, Employment and Careers and the ESRC Festival of Social Science Digital Exhibition displaying Images of Youth Employment.
She is a guest editor on EAWOP In Practice Special Issue on Youth Employment. Belgin is leading the youth employment strand of the EAWOP Impact Incubator.

Prof Ruth Sealy
University of Exeter
Business School
Ruth is an Associate Professor at University of Exeter Business School. An organizational psychologist coming late into academia, her motivation was the desire to make a difference with engaged research, particularly at a policy level with government and organisations.
She is best known for UK government-backed research reports on women on boards, having worked with two government departments (GEO & BEIS), Chairs and CEOs of FTSE-listed PLCs, and most prominently, Lord Davies and his government-backed Women on Boards Review. She has also represented the UK’s non-quota approach to women on boards to the European Commission. She has worked on regulatory and policy impact, contributing to regulatory change within the Financial Reporting Council’s 2012 and 2018 updates of the UK Corporate Code of Governance (that regulates all 1400+ companies listed on the London Stock Exchange), focusing on board evaluation and diversity.
In addition, since 2016, she has worked with the UK’s National Health Service (NHS- the largest employer in the EU) on board leadership policy and practice. Her research with all 400+ NHS boards, representing over 1.4 million employees, has helped drive national policy and individual organisational change. This includes changes to hiring practices and board composition, leading to an increased gender balance on NHS Trust boards, better talent management, greater legitimacy with service-users and better quality decision-making.
Ruth is leading the gender and diversity strand of the EAWOP Impact Incubator.

Dr Ishbel McWha-Hermann
University of Edinburgh
Business School
EAWOPii key strand lead
Ishbel is an Associate Professor at the University of Edinburgh Business School. She has developed a career of research, teaching and outreach based on applying the tools and theories of work and organizational psychology to social justice at work, particularly for marginalized and vulnerable workers, and in international work contexts.
Ishbel is currently leading two research projects, one which examines fairness between national and international staff in international development contexts, the role of workplace policies and practices in that fairness, and the implications for poverty reduction initiatives. The other focuses on the psychological impact of living wages and decent work for workers, their families, organizations and society.
Ishbel teaches in the area of global mobility and talent management, as well as applied human resource management. She has undertaken consultancy and provided expert advice to numerous international organisations, including the United Nations, on creating reward policies and practices.
Working internationally, Ishbel has advocated for the role of work and organizational psychology in addressing global grand challenges, such as poverty reduction, through contributing to the United Nations’ Agenda for Sustainable Development. Ishbel was inaugural Chair of the Global Organisation for Humanitarian Work Psychology. She currently serves as a SIOP representative to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), as well as the British Psychological Society’s Expert Reference Group on “poverty to flourishing.”

Prof Janine Bosak
Dublin City University
Business School
EAWOPii strand lead:
Women and Minority individuals
Janine is Professor of Organizational Psychology at Dublin City University (DCU) Business School in Ireland. Janine served as EAWOP executive committee member from 2017-2022 and currently serves as representative-at-large of the Academy of Management (AOM) Careers Division.
Janine conducts research, teaches, and consults in the areas of gender and leadership; and employee well-being in organizations, and leads the women and minority groups strand of EAWOPii.

Panos Kalavros
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
EAWOPii strand lead:
Panos is a senior talent acquisition specialist at North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). He is an experienced recruiter and talent development specialist with a diverse background spanning international organizations and public administration.
He is proficient in recruitment, employer branding, HR IT tools, and talent management practices, with a focus on optimizing organizational processes and fostering collaboration. He is an expert in managing youth schemes and attracting young candidates, particularly in STEM fields, by crafting tailored recruitment strategies and fostering an inclusive work environment.
He has a certificate on Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Harvard Extension School and on Public Administration from École Nationale d'Administration (ENA), France. He also holds an MA in International Relations from Durham University, UK and a BA from Panteion University, Athens,Greece.
He is part of the youth employment strand of the EAWOP Impact Incubator.

Dr Lisa Seubert
University of Innsbruck
EAWOPii interest:
Lisa is a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Psychology at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. Her research centers on the relationships of work and employment with health, well-being and general quality of life. She is especially interested in humanistic and critical perspectives on precarious employment with a particular focus on marginalized groups.
Lisa also has practical experience as a certified Work and Organisational Psychologist. She has worked with companies in a variety of industries assessing psychosocial risks in the workplace and helping to design workplaces that prevent health risks and promote personal development.
She is a member of the Global Organisation for Humanitarian Work Psychology (GOHWP), the Global Living Organisational Wage Project (Project GLOW), the Humanistic Management Network (Austrian Chapter), the Future of Work and Organizational Psychology movement (FoWOP), and Innsbruck Group on Critical Research in Work and Organizational Psychology (I-CROP).
Lisa published her research in international journals, such as Journal of Applied Psychology: An international review, Journal of Industrial Relations, and European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.

Dr Anita Starzyk
NEOMA Business School
Rouen Campus, France
EAWOPii interest:
Women and Minority individuals
Anita is an Assistant Professor in Organizational Behaviour at NEOMA Business School (Rouen Campus) in France. Previously, she worked as a Research Assistant at the University of Mannheim and the University of Konstanz (both in Germany). She was also a Visiting Researcher under the Lim Kim San Fellowship in Leadership at the Singapore Management University. Anita is originally from Poland, grew up in a humble socioeconomic household, and was a first-generation student. She has three children.
Anita uses a Critical Feminist and Disability Studies lens theoretically, as well as quantitative and qualitative methods empirically (i.e., daily and longitudinal surveys and interviews) to study marginalized and frontline employees’ change-oriented voice and proactivity.
Her research contributes to designing healthier, more inclusive, and sustainable organizations. She has published in the Journal of Business Ethics (forthcoming), Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Occupational and Organisational Psychology, and Journal of Vocational Behavior. Moreover, she has received external and internal research funding from Singapore Management University, the State of Baden-Württemberg, the University of Cologne, the University of Mannheim, and NEOMA BS.

Dr Carlo Tramontano
Coventry University
University Research Centre for Global Learning
Carlo is an Assistant Professor at the University Research Centre for Global Learning at Coventry University. He also refers to himself as Doodling Researcher.
His academic interests are mainly focussed on deviant behaviour in educational and organisational settings. But while reading, writing, bouncing ideas with colleagues, or just having a break, he found himself translating words into sketches and doodles. Some of his work has been featured at EAWOP/ESRC Small Group Meeting on Young People's Work, Employment and Careers and in Erica Bowen’s book The Solution Planner: How to create the life you desire one solution at a time.

Dr Johanne Grosvold
University of Bath
School of Management
Johanne is an associate professor in corporate governance and CSR at the University of Bath School of Management.
She is the deputy Director for the Centre for Business Organisations and Society (CBOS), one of the largest and most influential research centres in the field.
Her PhD which explored corporate board gender diversity across more than 50 countries won awards and contributed the laying the foundations of cross-national comparative research of corporate board gender diversity. She has worked and published in the field for over a decade.
She is an associate editor of Business and Society, and is on the editorial board of Corporate Governance an International Review.
Before becoming an academic she worked in the private sector for a number of FTSE 100 firms.
Johanne is Norwegian.