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Living wage resources

Below is a range of resources, centred around living wages.

A key component of the decent work stream is its focus on living wages. The EAWOP small group on living wages was formed in 2019, drawing together scholars from across Europe and beyond to discuss critical challenges, and evidence-based insights regarding how to enhance decent work. 


Below are briefing papers, animations and webinars – all for downloading or watching

Briefing papers



What is it?

Mendiola T Calleja

Having a job does not automatically reflect the ability to move out of poverty to enjoy a decent life


Impact For Individuals & Organisations

Psychological insights emerge about the positive consequences of living wages for individuals


The Importance of Supply

Divya Jyoti &

Bimal Arora

Living wage can have far-reaching consequences for people, societies, economy, business, and policy.


A Checklist

Andrea Werner

What it is and why it is important, showing the advantages and practical steps to ensure successful implementation

too tight
(to mention)

A review and psychological synthesis of living wage research, which outlines five key themes

Living Wage Week 2021

Showcasing the latest cutting edge research

Discussing the captivating insights from some of the Living Wage week’s conferences held in November 2021, highlighting some of the fascinating scientific research and real-lived experiences of implementing the Living Wage

This webinar launched the European Journal of Work and Organisational Psychology’s special issue on living wages, and the EAWOP & ESRC Impact Accelerator Living Wage game.


Workers from marginalized and vulnerable groups have been struck hardest by the Covid-19 pandemic, precarious contracts and working conditions increasing their exposure to the virus.


This webinar reveals how WOP research can contribute to societal grand challenges such as poverty and inequality. The topic of living wages is pertinent for all workers especially those involved in informal and precarious work, regardless of contexts and country.


Through five short talks the latest WOP conceptual, methodological and empirical work in this area was showcased, to raise practical questions and help inform new research agenda.


These five talks can be viewed on EAWOPii’s YouTube channel

eawop foss logo

A blog giving a round-up of  Living Wage Week 2021

Victoria Stuart–Martin
University of Glasgow

Discussing the captivating insights from some of the Living Wage week’s conferences held in November 2021, highlighting some of the fascinating scientific research and real-lived experiences of implementing the Living Wage

This event launched Edinburgh City Council’s Living Wage City initiative and brought together Living Wage Scotland, the EAWOP impact incubator, Edinburgh City Council, the Adam Smith Business School of the University of Glasgow and University of Edinburgh Business School.

Living Wage Week 2021

The webinar from the ESRC FoSS on “Edinburgh and the Living Wage”, held in November 2021, as part of a series of events during Living Wage Week. 


In the video you will meet the policy makers, employers and employees, trade unions and NGOs, working together — and informed by work psychological science — to make the active evidence-based decisions to include living wages as part of the city’s strategy.


It recognises this critical part of work and how it is structured and remunerated, not just for businesses, but for wider society. 


University of Glasgow's
Spotlight, episode 21

Rosalind Searle | December 2021

Listen to Ros Searle interview
00:00 / 25:55

Spotlight is a podcast from the University of Glasgow, which looks at public policy and the political process. 

Living wages are a critical topic in making individuals and society more resilient. In this interview, Prof Rosalind Searle reflects on why they matter and the implications for Edinburgh City of becoming a living wage space, but also the consequences for other areas as poor quality jobs are pushed out.

She draws on her work with Dr. Ishbel McWha-Hermann to argue why we should be focusing on decent work rather than work per se if we are going to have a healthier, more productive and more sustainable society.  

Living Wage

In 2019 EAWOPii developed a research-based animation​ highlighting the psychology behind living wages and published it on our YouTube channel.


It is available in a variety of languages, including German, Filipino, Thai, Polish, Romanian, Portuguese, Spanish, French and Mandarin.


Please share this animation and use it in your organisations, teaching and presentations.

Focussing on the psychological science concerning living wages, this short animation distills why living wages matter to individuals, their families, their employers and wider society.

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