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EAWOP impact incubator

Informing and engaging senior policy makers.

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The EAWOP Impact incubator (EAWOPii) is designed to engage, inform, and influence policymakers and policymaking across Europe through providing the evidence and insights that are generated from Work & Organizational Psychology research and practice. 
Read more About Us...

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SuperbMarket, our serious educational game, draws on the science concerning living wages and decent work


Living wage resources

A key component of the decent work stream is its focus on living wages and how to enhance decent work

youth questioning

Young people and work

Young people lack key resources relevant for securing work, particularly human capital, social and career capital

youth questioning

Career skills

Investing in one’s employability to adapt labour market uncertainty is particularly valuable for young adults

Bad apple?

Threats and securities

Translating work and organisational psychological science on how employee-based threats arise in organisations.

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How psychological science is expanding knowledge of Precarious Organisational Work on workers and organisations.

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Inclusive youth employment

Good work opportunities help young people integrate into society and offers access to important resources.

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Good youth work

Transition from unemployment to poor quality work can be much worse for young people

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You can find our videos, animations and webinars on our YouTube channel.

In the news
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Two Awards launched

Two new awards launched as part of our mission to support the dissemination of research findings to industry and policymakers.



Who are we?

EAWOPii is able to tap into the expertise of a group of state-of-the-art researchers

with current expertise in important topics. 

Click an image to find out who we are.

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